About me

I studied Visual Communications at the Berlin High School of Arts Weißensee and received the Mart-Stam Award for my Master Graduation Book „Let’s leave now!“. With the book „I cannot breathe this way“, which received the Hans-Meid Sponsorship award, I became „Meisterschülerin” of the artist Nanne Meyer. At the moment I am working as an illustrator and am visually exploring on the topics relaxed togetherness, connecting communication and the looooong way leading there.
„hello anna marin! I just came back from the exhibition in lübeck, i’d like to acquire the enchanting book “I cannot breathe this way” (i’d also like to give it as a gift ;-). kind regards full of expectation and thanks for such beautiful moments in the museum”
– Traugott
How I work
My commissionned works arise out of a close collaboration with my clients. I start sketching on the basis of a clear briefing, I present my draft and together we look for the optimal solution. Everything is possible – we only need to speak about it.

How art pieces are created
I deep dive in my work particularly valuing the high quality of the illustration and the final object (paper and print quality). This concerns also the materials, as well as the time spent clarifying my client’s intention, the counseling phase, the preparation, reception and follow up. All starts with a vaguely defined illustration wish and an unfinite amount of realisation possibilities. The picture evoluates through several states (choice of product, format, technique, style, colors, print…) of which every decision influentes the final result. The unique pieces are the product of the exchange with my client. The dialog goes on in my atelier’s stillness between my intention and the possibilities of my hand, the brushes, colors and papers. In the end we hold in our hands an aesthetic object, which we are pleased to contemplate and to show. I wonder each time about this daily miracle.
you very much for the wonderful collaboration once again and the
beautiful card. Great motive!”– Kerstin
Illustrationen Angebot auf einem Blick
Für Auge, Herz und Verstand
Illustrationen – Bücher, Cover, Kalender, Spiele, Einladungskarten, Trauerkarten, Webseiten
Studien – Kunstdrucke, Akte, Naturstudien, medizinische Detailzeichnungen
Erzählungen – comics, life maps, Erklärzeichnungen
Mit Bleistift und Tusche
Humorvoll – authentisch, widersprüchlich, liebevoll
Detailreich – zarte Striche, exakte Beobachtung, Blick fürs Besondere
Farbenfroh – Leichtigkeit mit Tiefgang
Lieben und alles drumherum
Lebensereignisse – Geburt, alternative Lebensmodelle, Hochzeit, Tod, das Leben feiern
Beziehungsarbeit – Identität, Frieden, Freundschaft und Partnerschaft, Familie, Beruf
Selbstwahrnehmung – Geschichte, Selbstdarstellung, Prozesse, Anteile begegnen